La costurera
(2005. Cicle "L'Immaterial", La Interior Bodega, Barcelona)

foto: Carlos Pina, Mayu Macías
vídeo: Carlos Pina. duración 49' 58''

During one week I was reconstructing a dress that had been torn in a previous performance with a thread used in another series of performances, impregnated with the saliva of the participants in that performance. The process took place in the gallery "La Interior Bodega" where I interacted with visitors throughout that week. Finally, I wore the new dress in context of the "Intangible" performance sessions in the basement of the gallery.

The Fates

The Fates are daughters of Zeus and Titanide Temis and therefore sisters of the Hours. They are the embodiment of destiny that not even the gods themselves can transgress without endangering the order of the universe.

The Parcas were responsible for regulating the lives of men from birth to death. There were three, and each of them was in charge of a different task: Laquesis spun the thread of life, Cloto wound it, and Atropos cut it, being considered this one like "The Grim Reaper" par excellence. It was also said that the life of humans was determined by the color with which the goddesses decided to weave the thread of their existence: white ensured happiness, black misfortune.


In a terrible painting belonging to Goya's black period we see the three Fates; Laquesis, on the left, carries a kind of figurine that could symbolize the soul; in the center appears Cloto, who looks at an object identified as a lens or a mirror, symbol of the transitory; Atropos, on the right, cuts with his scissors the thread of life. A mysterious fourth figure looks directly to the spectator, without its meaning having so far been revealed.

The seamstress

The seamstress joins the pieces of the dress of life with the red threads of lives that intertwine with ours. The three Fates decide inflexibly on the destiny of men, on their life and death; the modest seamstress repairs the wounds of life and is capable of modifying destiny.